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صاحب امتیاز:جامعه جراحان ایران
مدیر مسئول:دکتر ایرج فاضل
سردبیر: دکتر سید عباس میرمالک
مدیر اجرایی:

آدرس:تهران، میدان هروی، خیابان وفامنش، کوچه جمالی غربی (گیتی)، پلاک 65-
کد پستی:1668753963
پست الکترونیک:info@ijs.ir

صفحه نخست :: بخش مدیریت نشریهصفحه قبل

Journal Title: پاییز 88
Article title: Social and Psychological Disorders in Patients with Brain Tumor, Review of Literature

Article PDF File:
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Article abstract:
Objectives and Backgrounds: Brain tumor, both being and malignant are progressive neurodegenerative disease and has a direct effect on the patient’s cognitive, neurological and psychic functions. They cause focal cerebral dysfunction at the site of the tumor lesion. Studies focusing on psychiatric symptoms in brain tumor have been mainly descriptive and the numbers of cases in studied populations have been small. The purpose of this review article is to define psychiatric symptoms in relation to tumor characteristics and its location among patients with brain tumors. Materials and Methods: Among the papers written between 1985 to 2008 about mental disorders, we chose 114 papers and the extracted data from 55 papers are summarized in this review article. Results: Psychiatric symptoms can be the first and only signs of primary brain tumor and between 1-2% of patients with a psychiatric disorder may have unrecognized brain neoplasm. The factors suggested to be associated with psychiatric symptoms among brain tumor patients are tumor location, patient’s premorbid psychiatric status, tumor-associated cognitive symptoms and adaptive or maladaptive response to stress. Conclusion: Since patients with brain tumors have multiple somatic and psychic symptoms, collaboration between units of neurosurgery, radiology, anesthesiology, neurology, oncology and psychiatry is inevitable in its diagnostics and therapy.

Article KeyWords:
Brain Tumor, Psychological, Symptoms

Article Authors:
دکتر سيدمحمـود طباطبائيFirst AuthorMehradhospital@yahoo.com
دکتر افسون صديقيOther Author
دكتر اميـرسعيد صديقيOther Author

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