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صاحب امتیاز:جامعه جراحان ایران
مدیر مسئول:دکتر ایرج فاضل
سردبیر: دکتر سید عباس میرمالک
مدیر اجرایی:

آدرس:تهران، میدان هروی، خیابان وفامنش، کوچه جمالی غربی (گیتی)، پلاک 65-
کد پستی:1668753963
پست الکترونیک:info@ijs.ir

صفحه نخست :: بخش مدیریت نشریهصفحه قبل

Journal Title: تابستان 1403
Article title: Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Marital Satisfaction among Nurses Working in Operating Rooms of Hospitals Affiliated with Golestan University of Medical Sciences in 2021

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Page From: 65 To: 71      

Article abstract:
Introduction & Objective: Job satisfaction can be a significant and influential factor in the marital satisfaction. On the other hand, marital satisfaction is one of the most important factors affecting family functioning. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and the marital satisfaction among nurses working in operating rooms of educational therapeutic centers affiliated with Golestan University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: This study employed a descriptive-analytical correlational design using a survey method. The participants included 79 nurses with a bachelor's degree or higher working in operating rooms of educational therapeutic centers affiliated with Golestan University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected using a demographic information form, the Loutanz Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (2007), and the Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (1993). The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 software, employing descriptive statistics, standard deviation, and Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: 57 women (72.2%) and 22 men (8.8%) participated in the study. The standard and deviation of marital quality is 17.7±0.2 and job satisfaction is 18.2±2.6, and no linear relationship between job satisfaction and marital relationship quality was observed in the group of men (P < 0.05, rs < 0.000). While in women, a linear relationship was observed between job satisfaction and the Marital Satisfaction, with the intensity of this relationship being very weak and in the opposite direction (P = 0.0001, rs = -0.054). Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that gender has a weak association with job satisfaction and the Marital Satisfaction, which requires further investigation with a larger sample size. It is suggested that married working women attend classes in the form of retraining to improve family well-being.

Article KeyWords:
Job Satisfaction, Marital Satisfaction, Nurse, Operating Room

Article Authors:
سوگند خسرویFirst Author
علی اکبر آقایی نژادOther Author
دکتر سهیلا کلانتریOther Author
نفیسه عابدیانOther Author
دکتر نویسا سیدقاسمیOther Author
محمد کلاته عربیOther Authorsogandkhosravi99@gmail.com

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