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Journal Title: تابستان 1403
Article title: Legal Review of Robotic Surgery
Article PDF File: 
Page From: 95 To: 101
Article abstract: Robotic surgery is an advanced technology in the field of medicine that performs surgeries using medical robots. This technology is highly regarded due to its high accuracy, reduction of pain and recovery time of patients. In the legal aspects of robotic surgery, legal issues such as medical responsibility, patient rights, intellectual property rights and practical rights related to the use of this technology in surgeries are examined. Therefore, to perform robotic surgery, the doctor must have the necessary licenses from the relevant organizations and the patient must be familiar with all the details and risks related to the surgery. Also, if any problem occurs during the surgery, the doctor is responsible for it. In terms of intellectual property rights, companies producing medical robots must protect their intellectual property rights against others, and on the other hand, doctors must use these robots as a tool to perform surgery. Overall, the legal aspects of robotic surgery include many issues that must be considered to ensure patient recovery and optimal use of this technology.
Article KeyWords: Robotic Surgery, Criminal Responsibility, Legal Issues, Robot Surgeon
Article Authors:
 | دکتر مهرزاد شیری | First Author | Mshiri5254@gmail.com |  | سجاد باقرنژاد | Other Author | |  | محمد شریف حسینی | Other Author | |
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